Monday, June 4, 2007

The Secret to a Cheap Manicure

Ok, this might not be what you're expecting. My secret to a cheap mani doesn't involve a sketchy hole-in-the-wall-cuticle-infection place near the Port Authority. My secret to a cheap manicure is to do it yourself. Ok, sure, it's not very glamorous, but once you get the hang of it, you'll find plenty of other ways to spend the money you save (like the t-shirt of the month club at Threadless).

Buy a cool color nailpolish at Duane Reade (and then commiserate with everyone at but don't forget the magic weapon of DIY nail care: Sally Hansen's Insta-Dry Anti-Chip Top Coat. It dries painted nails to a hard finish in a less than a minute. Seriously, I swear by the stuff. And, it even has "double UV filters". Ha, I think if you're in the sun enough for your manicure to fade from UV exposure you have other problems.

Bottom Line: Best way to do a DIY mani
Costs about $4-5


Anonymous said...

nothing like a cheap mani, Thanks!!