Haggle haggle haggle
Inside everyone lies the heart of a haggler. Sure, it may not come easy, but that never-take-no-for-an-answer, don't-be-afraid-to-walk-away attitude is in you. Here are three bargaining tips to bring out the worst in ya:
1. Take the high road. Ask if they have a competitive price matching policy. Most national stores and many small stores have fine print policies that promise to match a competitor's price. Search for an item online before you head to the store and be prepared to show them the lowest price you've found. Try this even if a competitor is having a seasonal sale. If you're not having luck with a sales clerk, push to speak with the store's manager who may be more wary of loosing your business to a competitor.
2. Start the haggling. Four simple words: Can you do better? Asking if they can give you better a deal on the price leaves them with the burden of figuring out how much of a discount they're willing to offer. It doesn't feel too aggressive and it's worked for me many times.
3. Make a lower offer. Think of what you really want to pay and lower that by 5-10%. Tell the salesperson you were hoping to pay the lower amount and you ask if they can help you out. If it's a small ticket item be ready with the cash since saying you can only pay $15 for a $20 item and pulling out two $10 bills and asking for change is embarrassing.
Bottom Line: If you don't ask for a lower price, you won't get one!